Research Recording Form
This form can be used in hardcopy while in the field during a site visit as well as electronically while doing desk research.
It has been designed to enable a smooth transition of information for volunteers who plan to contribute their research to Parks & Gardens UK. If a research individual or group requires assistance with completing the form, please contact us. Please also note: if a site is not normally open to the public and your research has been put together as part of a private tour or visit and the information contained within your report is not otherwise available from public sources, we ask that you please get permission from the owner(s) to submit your research to Parks & Gardens UK prior to submission.
Volunteer Training Manual: Introduction
The manual offers a practical guide to aid volunteers at all levels of experience to research and record parks, gardens and other types of ornamental landscape, and contribute information and materials to the Parks & Gardens UK database.
Volunteer Training Manual: Introduction
Other documents and resources
Gardening in Wartime additional information form
This is for volunteers contributing research to Parks & Gardens UK for the Gardening in Wartime project in collaboration with the Garden Museum. This form should be used to collect additional information relevant to the project which could be used in the Garden Museum's exhibition in Autumn 2014.
Gardening in Wartime additional information form
Parks & Gardens UK Terms of Database and Website Usage
These are the terms on which we allow access to the database and website and the terms on which we are pleased to accept contributions of data for the database.