There were no plans available at first for the Great Plat.
Madeleine drew up a plan based on the 1908 Country Life text and photographs, which provided evidence for a planting of peonies, china roses, delphiniums, lilies and bergenia.
In mid-1974, however, the Jekyll plans from the collection at Berkeley became available, and Jekyll's plan for the Plat showed that her intention was a far brighter and more adventurous mix of Gladiolus childsii, delphiniums, cannas, orange and white lilies, variegated maize, Paeonia albiflora, Gladiolus brenchleyensis, Phlox drummondii and (of course) bergenia (click here to see plan).
Although it appeared that the Plat had not been originally planted in line with Jekyll's plans (or, if it had, it had been changed soon afterwards), it was agreed that her planting scheme should be implemented, and the final plan adhered almost exactly to the original

The Great Plat and pergola restored, 1974.
The Bergenia schmittii were lifted, divided and replanted around the edges of the beds. Within the bergenia frame, Paeonia albiflora gave pink colour in spring, while in summer the reds and oranges of lilies, cannas, gladioli and Phlox drummondii ‘Scarlet' made a vibrant display contrasted with blue delphiniums and white lilies.